Thu Mar 6
Join us for THREE great jazz bands this evening, under the direction of saxophonist Jeff Antoniuk. Jazz Band Masterclass, now in its 19th year of operation, is how adult amateur and semi-pro jazz musicians in the DC/MD/VA area find each other, get together to play, and learn how to dig deeper and develop their jazz skills. Started by saxophonist and educator Jeff Antoniuk, the JBM program is comprised of 16 different jazz small groups, each of which meet twice a month throughout the year. Jeff and fellow JBM faculty members Steve Herberman (guitar) and David Jernigan (bass) are joined by Guest Artists throughout the year. JazzWire ( is their online platform, which has members in over 25 countries around the world, making Jazz Band Masterclass a global leader in jazz education. JBM’s sister summer and winter Summit Workshops ( have welcomed over 1,500 participants over the years, and include faculty such as Michael Bowie, Helen Sung, Chris Potter, Terrell Stafford, Mike Stern, Ingrid Jensen, Paul Bollenback and many more.