Cornelia Street Café in Exile

The Cornelia Street Café had a 41-year inning in the West Village.  It was named "a cultural as well as a culinary landmark" by the City of New York. In addition to award-winning food, it produced some 700 shows a year in every conceivable genre (and quite a few inconceivable ones).  

This is an opportunity to see (and hear) alums from every era in the café's history including (but not limited to) Daniel Cainer, Jed Distler, Cliff Eberhardt, John Forster, Michael Harmon, Robin Hirsch, Ellen Mandel (with Jessica Crandall and Melanie Haskins), David Massengill, John McWhorter (with Diana Bertolini and Dahlia McWhorter), Mark Mitton, Arturo O'Farrill, Cilla Owens, Jennifer Rawlings, Hannah Reimann, Kip Rosser, Paul Shapiro . . . and, who knows? Surprise guests?

Doors at 6:30pm.  Show at 7pm.

Approx Running Time: 120+ Minutes
Genre: Live Music, Cabaret, Tribute, Storytelling

Please Note: the venue has a 2-beverage minimum per person. 

Triad Theater

158 West 72nd Street New York, NY 10023

  • (212) 362-2590
  • Map
  • The Theater is on the 2nd Floor above a restaurant called Seven Hill and located next to the Acker Merril Wines store.

Please note: There is a 2 drink minimum at the theater. You are buying tickets that are not refundable or exchangeable. By purchasing tickets you agree to the terms & policies of the venue stated on policies page.