

A show featuring the music of Stevie Wonder

This will be the performance ending of what will be a 3-day workshop weekend where 10 singers and a 5 piece band rethink, reimagine and relive this thrilling and exciting music.The singers will concentrate on singing with a full band, dig into some iconic music and do it all for an audience that loves these songs as much as we all do.

Directed by Lina Koutrakos
Music Directed by Gregory Toroian

Approx Running Time: 75 Minutes
Genre: Musical Tribute, Live Band, Storytelling

Please Note: the venue has a 2-beverage minimum per person.

Triad Theater

158 West 72nd Street New York, NY 10023

  • (212) 362-2590
  • Map
  • The Theater is on the 2nd Floor above a restaurant called Seven Hill and located next to the Acker Merril Wines store.

Please note: There is a 2 drink minimum at the theater. You are buying tickets that are not refundable or exchangeable. By purchasing tickets you agree to the terms & policies of the venue stated on triadnyc.com policies page.